Training Needs Assessment Worksheet

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Training Needs Assessment Worksheet

Determine Your Goals

  • Are your training objectives clearly defined?

  • Do your training programs comply with regulations and/or standards?

  • How will you track employees’ progress and ensure required training is completed?

Plan and Evaluate

Are you struggling with how to determine the relevance of your training? Workers without occupational safety and health training are likely to be at greater risk for workplace injuries and illnesses, but the real issue is whether the training is adequate.

Training can sometimes lose its effectiveness and credibility if it is carried out improperly. Ineffective training may lead to death, injury, pain, suffering, and lost profits.

This worksheet is designed to help you determine what specific training is needed. Once completed, you will be able to:

  • Identify any training gaps,
  • Determine who needs training,
  • And discover if additional skills are needed.

Then you can begin to define measurable outcomes to improve the success of your future training program.

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